It's good that we can adjust the shipping fee on PrintBase for each product, but the increasing or decreasing option by an amount is still limited to seller since with different sizes and products, the final shipping fee will still not ideal.
It will be much better if we can set the shipping fee of products for ourselves instead of just adjust it, like with ShopBase - Shipping, but for each product on PrintBase's Catalog.
Ex: For Unisex T-Shirt
- Current option: Seller adjust decrease $1 : PrintBase Shipping Fee from 5.49-11.49 > Final Seller Shipping Fee $4.49-10.49
- More ideal option: Seller set the shipping fee to $1 : PrintBase Shipping Fee from 5.49-11.49 > Final Seller Shipping Fee $1
Printbase: cho seller cài shipping cost. Phần thiếu hụt so với giá ship ban đầu trừ vào profit của seller
Ví dụ: ship trên printbase là 9 seller cài là 6 thì thiếu 3 đô trừ vào profit
Activity Newest / Oldest
Status changed to: Live
Dear Valued Customers,
Thank you for using PrintBase and moreover, for caring enough to send us your suggestion. We genuinely appreciate it.
We are happy to inform you that the feature of set up PrintBase shipping fee has been live on production now and you can try to use and do not forget to leave us feedback about your experience. Please read more here
If you have any other questions, feedback, or concerns, please let us know by reaching our ShopBase Help Center
ShopBase Team
It's good that we can adjust the shipping fee on PrintBase for each product, but the increasing or decreasing option by an amount is still limited to seller since with different sizes and products, the final shipping fee will still not ideal.
It will be much better if we can set the shipping fee of products for ourselves instead of just adjust it, like with ShopBase - Shipping, but for each product on PrintBase's Catalog.
Ex: For Unisex T-Shirt
- Current option: Seller adjust decrease $1 : PrintBase Shipping Fee from 5.49-11.49 > Final Seller Shipping Fee $4.49-10.49
- More ideal option: Seller set the shipping fee to $1 : PrintBase Shipping Fee from 5.49-11.49 > Final Seller Shipping Fee $1
Tina Phan
Status changed to: In progress
store vuitino
create a fixed shipping price. Cost less than original shipping minus profit
Tina Phan
Merged with: Creat shipping cost to all product on printbase
Tina Phan
Status changed to: Under review
ric011 excom
Cho seller tự chỉnh shipping fee. mở thêm tính năng này.
store vuitino
Cho seller tự chỉnh shipping fee
store vuitino
Printbase: cho seller cài shipping cost. Phần thiếu hụt so với giá ship ban đầu trừ vào profit của seller
Ví dụ: ship trên printbase là 9 seller cài là 6 thì thiếu 3 đô trừ vào profit